- Keep the freezer door closed to keep cold air inside.
- Don’t open the door any more than necessary.
- A full freezer will stay at safe temperatures about 2 days; a half full freezer about 1 day.
- If your freezer is not full, group packages so they form an “igloo” to protect each other.
- If you think the power will be out for several days, try to find some dry ice.
- Keep dry ice wrapped and do not touch it with your bare hands or use cubed ice or block ice.
- Even if food has started to thaw, foods can be safely kept in the freezer.
- The foods in your freezer that partially or completely thaw before power is restored may be safely refrozen if they still contain ice crystals or are 40 degress F or below.
- You will have to evaluate each item separately.
- When in doubt, throw it out!